Genocide Shrines (Sri Lanka) - Ceylonese Terror Attack LP (2018)
Caveman Cult (US) - Supremacía Primordial 10" EP (2018)
Sold Out
Jyotiṣavedāṅga – Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum
Satanize (Por) - Death Mass Execution 7" EP (2017)
Autokrator (FR) - The Obedience to Authority shirt (2016, limited)
Autokrator (FR) - The Obedience to Authority gatefold LP (2016)
Lord of Depression (US) / Infernal Sacrament (US) / Tetragrammacide (India) - triple gatefold LP (2016)
Abatuar (Pan) - Perversiones LP (2017)
Abhomine (FL) - Larvae Offal Swine LP (2016)
Adversarial (Can) / Paroxsihzem (Can) - Warpit of Coiling Atrocities LP (2018)
Allerseelen (Austria) - Anubis / Chairete Daimones 7" (2017)
Black Vul Destruktor (Arg) / Et Verbi Sathanus (Chi) - split 2x7" (2014)
Black Vul Destruktor (Arg) - Beyond Time & Portals of Death LP (2013)
Contumacy (Peru) - Reverence of Putrefaction 2xLP (2016)
Demonos (India) - From Sacred to Profane CD (2016)
Gevlerkt (Neth) – De Grote Sterfte LP (2017)
Gnosis (US) - The Third Eye Gate LP (2015)
Goatblood (Ger) - Veneration of Armageddon LP (2016)
Goatholocaust (Bel) - Satan Jugend LP (2017)
Goatholocaust (Bel) - Satanik Kult Ov Inversion LP (2018)
Henosis (Chile) – Apotheosis Pulsio CLVI 10” (2015)
Hexen Holocaust (Fra) – Heretical Dreadful Orgies LP (2018)
In Obscurity Revealed (Mex) - Grim Fumes of Revelation 7" (2016)
Kulto Maldito (Bol) - Diaboliko CS
Kulto Maldito (Bol) / Goatskull (Mex) - Maldita Komunion de los Chivos CS
Lucifericon (Netherlands) - Brimstone Altar LP (2016)
One Master (US) - Lycantrophic Burrowing LP (2017)
One Master (US) - Reclusive Blasphemy LP (2015)
One Master (US) - The Quiet Eye of Eternity LP (2009)
Order of the Nameless Ones (US) - s/t 7" (2015)
Pox (Belgium) - Door den Holder Verrezen 7" (2016)
Recluse (US/France) – Stillbirth in Bethlehem CD (2016)
Ritual Spell (Svk/Nor) / Urge (Cze) - The Burial Oath 7" (2017)
Sacrocurse (Mex) - Gnostic Holocaust Gatefold LP (2017)
Skeletal Remains (US) - Devouring Mortality LP (2018)
Torture Chain (US) - Wasting Syndrome LP (2016)
Ululatum Tollunt (US) - Quantum Noose of Usurpation CD (2017)
Vociferian (Fra) - Triumphant Usurper Beast LP (2018)
Vociferian (Fra) - Icon Edge 7" (2017)